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Ninja Obstacle SPoTlight – The Versa Ladder

We sound like a broken record, but as it's name suggests, we created the Versa Ladder with the idea of versatility in mind for your Ninja course. It really doesn't [...]

AG Ninja Goes to Austin

AG Ninja had a blast installing a state of the art ninja facility at Austin Ninjas in Austin, Texas in January 2018. AG Ninja worked directly with Austin Ninja to [...]

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Strength Training With The Infinity Revolver

Obstacle training is one of the most fun and unique ways of working out. It completely takes the monotony out of the everyday gym visit and adds that element [...]

Ninja Training Finding It’s Way in to Fitness

More and More, we are starting to see people in the fitness industry come to us with an interest in Obstacle Training. Why? Because Obstacle training is one of [...]

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Sport Obstacle Highlight – The Flying Rings

No, we certainly don't have a shortage of "Flying" obstacles. Can you blame us? Who doesn't like to soar through the air, reaching for a bar, a pipe, rings, whatever? [...]

AG Ninja Goes to Windy City

AG Ninja just wrapped up another successful install outside of Chicago for a customer opening their second location. With all projects, new ideas and different challenges present themselves which, in [...]

3D Design Software Includes New FIG Approved Discipline

3D Gym Design Software includes Obstacle Training - A Newly Approved FIG Discipline

American Gymnast Brings Ninja Warrior to Your Gym!

Another season of American Ninja Warrior is winding down and it's popularity is bigger than ever. It's easy to see why, right? You have people of all ages, each with [...]

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