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Strength Training With The Infinity Revolver

Obstacle training is one of the most fun and unique ways of working out. It completely takes the monotony out of the everyday gym visit and adds that element [...]

American Gymnast Brings Ninja Warrior to Your Gym!

Another season of American Ninja Warrior is winding down and it's popularity is bigger than ever. It's easy to see why, right? You have people of all ages, each with [...]

5 Variations to Your Normal Jog

For many people, the first thing they say to themselves when they decide it's time to get in shape is, "I need to start jogging.". Personally, I stay away from the [...]

Tips to Reignite the Fire in Your Workouts

Outside of what I do with American Gymnast, I work in one of the most challenging industries when it comes to trying to stay in shape - the airline industry. I [...]

Is it Normal to Dread Your Workout?

If you are involved in some form of athletics, whether it be gymnastics, crossfit, triathlons or even just working out, it's quite possible you love the competition or results aspect [...]

I Love Gymnastics, But There is That One Thing…

If you are in the sport of gymnastics, I’m going to assume you are sticking to it quite simply because you love it. Let’s face it, gymnastics is not for [...]

One Major Thing That Might be Harming Your Athletic Performance

There are a number of factors that determine how on top of your game you will be while at practice or in competition. Some days you will notice you feel [...]

4 Things Every Cheerleader Should Be Doing

Those just starting off their cheerleading career often find themselves in a very challenging predicament. After teaching cheerleaders tumbling for over 7 years, I saw it way too often. These [...]

Gymnastics Ring Strength Training at Home

Having spent a majority of my youth in gymnastics, I love seeing the general fitness community incorporate and embrace some of the pieces of equipment I spent years training [...]

Are You as Fit as a Ninja Warrior?

It's just finished it's sixth season, but it seems that it really hasn’t been until the last few years that American Ninja Warrior has really gained a serious following. This [...]

3 Exercises. 20 Minutes. Go!

It's always beneficial and fun to change up your workout routine and try some new things. If you want to continue to see results from your training, your body constantly [...]

The 61 Challenge

By exercise number 45, the majority of my body was on fire! When I reached the last 4 exercises, I can't even describe the burn I was experiencing, but there was no way I was bailing at that point. I sucked it up, powered through and called it a victory.

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