Jake Dalton Floor 2011 Visa Championships



Step 1: Calculate the Element Group Total


Element Group Point Value
EG 1: Non-acrobatic skills 0.5
EG 2: Forward Acro Skills 0.5
EG 3: Backward Acro Skills 0.5
EG 4: Sideways/Arabian Skills 0.5
EG 5: Dismount (at least D value for the full 0.5 credit; a C value gives 0.3 points) 0.5



The wide-arm press counts for EG 1.

The front layout 2/1 twist counts as EG 2.

The back layout 3/2 twist counts as EG 3.

The Tamayo (laid-out double Arabian) counts as EG 4.

The back layout 3/1 twist dismount fully fulfills EG 5.


EG Total: 2.5


Step 2: Calculate the Skill Value Total


Count only the ten best elements (must include the dismount).


Difficulty Rating Point Value
A 0.1
B 0.2
C 0.3
D 0.4
E 0.5
F 0.6
G 0.7



Skill Difficulty Rating Point Value
Tamayo (laid-out double Arabian) F 0.6
Laid-out Thomas E 0.5
Back layout 3/2 twist C 0.3
Front layout 2/1 twist D 0.4
Wide arm press handstand C 0.3
Whip back B 0.2
Tucked Thomas D 0.4
Back layout 5/2 twist D 0.4
Front layout 1/1 twist C 0.3
Back layout 3/1 twist D 0.4
Skill Value Total 3.8




Step 3: Calculate the Connection Points Total


All salto connections that include one D or higher value = 0.1 connection points

If both saltos are D or higher value = 0.2 connection points


Back layout 3/2 twist + Front layout 2/1 twist = 0.1

Whip back + Tucked Thomas = 0.1

Back layout 5/2 twist + Front layout 1/1 twist = 0.1


Connection Points Total: 0.3


Step 4: Add all three totals together


2.5 + 3.8 + 0.3 = 6.6 D-Score

So Legendre has a 6.7 D-score and Dalton a 6.6 D-score – both two of the very highest in the world.  For a reference, the highest D-score thrown in the world floor finals last year was 6.6 (though Legendre did receive a 6.7 in the qualifications), and the highest thrown in the European floor finals this year was 6.7.  It would be so exciting to see two American men in the floor finals at the world championships in Tokyo.  Considering these guys’ D-scores and execution as well as the consistency they have both shown this year, I’d say that is very possible.