In general, one of the most common learning mistakes of either straddle or inside endo to full pirouette is to swing down crooked after the pirouette. The reason for this mistake is an excess of support transfer to the post arm. The gymnasts shift their weight like they were going to perform the regular front pirouette that they have learned before, and that really requires a support transfer beyond the vertical of the post arm to finish square in a different bar position. The full pirouette ends with the hand re-grasping the bar in the same area that the skill begins so the weight support transfer to let go of the hand must be minimum and momentary, and must not go beyond the vertical like this correct example shows. Still 2 – Notice how the hand re-grasps the bar in the same area that it let go of the rail. In this far view example the gymnast could pull stronger to support to flow without pause and pirouette straighter. In this other example the endo to pirouette should flow without a pause in between. Last clip – The combination flows much better here.
Inside Endo to Mix Grip Full Pirouette
By amgym|2011-01-27T23:55:57-05:00January 27th, 2011|Categories: Close to the Bar Skills, In-Bar Skills|Tags: Endo, Full, Grip, Gymnastics on Demand, Inside, Mix, Piroette, Pirouette|0 Comments
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