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Strength Training With The Infinity Revolver

Obstacle training is one of the most fun and unique ways of working out. It completely takes the monotony out of the everyday gym visit and adds that element [...]

New GymABstics Program Coming Soon!

Since the release of our GymABstics program, thousands of people seeking something different with their workouts were introduced to what I believe to be the most effective form of getting [...]

American Gymnast Brings Ninja Warrior to Your Gym!

Another season of American Ninja Warrior is winding down and it's popularity is bigger than ever. It's easy to see why, right? You have people of all ages, each with [...]

5 Variations to Your Normal Jog

For many people, the first thing they say to themselves when they decide it's time to get in shape is, "I need to start jogging.". Personally, I stay away from the [...]

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