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Strength Training With The Infinity Revolver

Obstacle training is one of the most fun and unique ways of working out. It completely takes the monotony out of the everyday gym visit and adds that element [...]

Change Your Life With a Paper Clip

We all tell ourselves at some point that we are going to get in the habit of doing something consistently that is beneficial to our health, sport, fitness, career or life. [...]

One Major Thing That Might be Harming Your Athletic Performance

There are a number of factors that determine how on top of your game you will be while at practice or in competition. Some days you will notice you feel [...]

4 Things Every Cheerleader Should Be Doing

Those just starting off their cheerleading career often find themselves in a very challenging predicament. After teaching cheerleaders tumbling for over 7 years, I saw it way too often. These [...]

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